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Hare Om fellow Travelers & welcome to Maleny Yoga Centre 2025

What's new in February?
I am excited to announce that I will now be teaching a range of classes,
to empower one's practice and to suit age & ability.
General, Seniors & Intermediate classes, and of course - Private Tuition

Maree has been living, practicing & teaching in Maleny for over 35 years
and has real life experience in the ability of yoga to heal the physical body & mind.
Her passion is to share the practice & teachings of Yogarcharya BKS Iyengar
- the integrity of the Iyengar Lineage

Classes are structured around alignment-based asana or yoga postures - which create an awareness of the body in space, building strength, stability & balance. Guided by the unique techniques & instructions - and the use of 'props' - an understanding of the body, mind & breath grows and evolves with your practice.
All classes include a deep relaxation, leaving you feeling calm & energized.

Maree maintains a freshness in her teaching with regular PD studies in Australia &
at the Iyengar Institute (RIMYI) in Pune, India - the home of the Iyengar family for over 80 years.

Iyengar yoga is for everybody, no matter your age or ability
General, Seniors & Intermediate Classes now available
Private Tuition by appointment
For the best experience, please submit an enrolment form & book online

Or contact Maree to discuss your options (text is best)
Please bring your own mat (if you have one). Other props provided

PS: Seniors Chair Yoga Class now on Fridays at 11.30am at 'Get Active Fitness Maleny'.
$10 cash - Bookings are essential, so please contact Rachel for all details on 0423 618 945

Find Us

 New Students Always Welcome

51 Maple Street (rear of Nexus building) Maleny
Saturdays at Moffitt Court Maleny
m: 0448 518 734

For more information on Iyengar Yoga visit:

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